Webinar Poll Results: for 79% of leaders pandemic impacted their Digital Business Transformation

Published: 11 May 2021

Xperience are currently running a new webinar series on ‘How to master digital transformation to accelerate your business.’ The webinars feature Guus Krabbenborg, an inspiring and highly experienced speaker, business trainer and consultant. Guus has also authored a number of books and has a well-earned reputation in the international Microsoft Dynamics arena. He is passionate about digital transformation as a means to help businesses stay relevant.

In our latest webinar, we were joined by 45 business leaders from around the world who are passionate about learning how to digitally transform their business to improve processes, culture and customer experiences. During the webinar,  all participants took part in a short poll answering the following questions: who they believe is responsible for implementing a digital transformation strategy within their organisation, the main setbacks involved in the process of digitally transforming and how the pandemic has impacted their digital transformation strategy.

From this poll, we found that 100% of attendees believe the responsibility to digitally transform  their business lies with the senior leaders/owners. Further, 79.2% admitted their organisations’ digital transformation strategy journey was impacted by the pandemic.

Future webinars:

Over the next month, we are running the following webinar with Guus:

Guus is a co-founder and co-owner of QBS Group, the successful Value Add SMB Distributor for Dynamics partners in the EMEA region, that support 1.000+ Dynamics partners in 25+ countries.

Over the past number of years, he has focused his energy on becoming a business transformation and digital transformation guru. We will be adding to this series over the coming weeks so watch this space for the latest webinar topic, for more information please visit our website.



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