September Construction Round-Up

Published: 25 March 2018

The ‘back to school’ positivity that comes around when September does has trickled into the construction industry, with house building on the rise and hundreds of projects benefiting from CITB funding. Keep reading to get the full lowdown.

300+ Projects Benefit from CITB Levy Funding

A new report has indicated that more than 300 projects across the UK have benefited from CITB levy funding. Scottish Construction Now have announced that the largest group to receive funding were micro and small employers, followed by construction federations. Director of Policy at CITB, Steve Radley stated that the report showcases how levy payers’ money is having a positive impact on the industry, including many small firms. He commented, “It shows that CITB funding helps people gain qualifications; reduce skills gaps and improves staff morale!”

More Here via Scottish Construction Now

Construction Knowledge Gap Can’t Be Ignored

Passing on knowledge and innovation isn’t one of the construction industry’s strengths- concludes Mark Farmer’s in his report ‘Modernise or Die’ which was released over a year ago. Construction News have suggested that the industry must put focus on knowledge sharing and innovation to close the knowledge gap. This would also play a key role in combating the skills shortage.

More Here via Construction News UK

Construction Knowledge Gap Can’t Be Ignored

Passing on knowledge and innovation isn’t one of the construction industry’s strengths- concludes Mark Farmer’s in his report ‘Modernise or Die’ which was released over a year ago. Construction News have suggested that the industry must put focus on knowledge sharing and innovation to close the knowledge gap. This would also play a key role in combating the skills shortage.

More Here via Construction News UK

Construction Projects Increase & Housebuilding Thrives

A new report published by The Economic & Construction Market Review from Barbour ABI has found that the value of new construction contracts reached £5.8bn during August. This is based on a three-month moving average, resulting in a 7% increase on the month. London led all regions with 20% of the UK’s construction contract value, while the North West accounted for 14%.

See More Results from the Report Here

Construction Innovation Factory Open for Business

A brand new, state-of-the-art Innovation Factory has been launched by the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre. The £2m factory in Lanarkshire will provide construction companies with a base to test new products and techniques. The facilities provide 35,000 sq. ft. of workshop space which can be utilised by anyone within the construction industry. The building will also provide a range of collaboration and training facilities to allow organisations in the private, public and academic sectors to share knowledge and information.

More Here via Construction Enquirer

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