Sage 200 Retrospective Aged Debtors & Creditors

Published: 25 June 2024

A question that we frequently get asked is how to run a retrospective aged debtors & creditors report in Sage 200 – This blog will show you how.

How do I do this?

  • Bring up the Sales Ageing Report as normal: Sales > Reports > Credit Control > Aged Debtors
Sage 200 Aged Debtors
  • Without changing any other criteria, you need to tick the box called “Retrospective”. And then select the date that you want the report to run at in “Base Date For Ageing”.
  • In the above example the date is set to 31st March 2022, so by selecting retrospective, this will run a report as if it had been run on 31st March 2022. This means it will only include transactions, invoices, credits, receipts etc. plus allocations dated before 31st March 2022.
  • If the Aged Debtors report does not equal your expected value, for example agreeing to the nominal, then it is possible that that you have a payment or receipt date that is different to the allocation date of the receipt or payment. Note: This is especially common on the Purchase Ledger if a payment run is made prior to a month end and the transaction is dated for the next month, so there is reconciliation difference of that amount.
  • Allocation dates are shown at the top of the payment/receipt allocation screens, picture below:
Sage 200 Aged Debtors 2

Sage 200

Sage 200 combines powerful accounting software with the freedom of the cloud. Connect the dots between departments and become a smarter, more agile, and better-informed business.

The modules available within Sage 200 mean the software can grow and adapt as your business grows.

Sage 200 offers:

  • Supercharged features to power growth
  • Greater control & insight of your business
  • A simple, intuitive, user interface to support users
  • Integration with Microsoft 365 – allowing your teams to collaborate and share more easily
  • Module options for managing stock, projects & manufacturing processes

This intuitive software delivers big picture visionary information, as well as granular details.

Sage 200 has the capabilities to deliver the insights you need to achieve success for your business.

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