Free Webinar: Is my business right for the cloud?

Published: 24 September 2018

When considering cloud, many businesses are faced with a number of misconceptions, making them nervous about implementing cloud-based services in their organisations. On Thursday 11th October, Xperience Group is hosting a free webinar* debunking cloud myths to send businesses off safely on their cloud journey…

UK cloud adoption rate has reached 88 per cent, and for many businesses it has unlocked the potential to innovate beyond the traditional realms of possibility, allowing small companies to compete with the big guys.

Despite its ability to empower modern businesses to improve efficiency, increase agility and unlock new opportunities, many still hesitate to take the plunge, with data security, cost, connectivity and lack of control, as their top concerns. With this in mind, Xperience Group is hosting a webinar to debunk cloud myths and help businesses determine whether it is the right match for their company…

Date: Thursday 11th October

Time: 11:00 – 11:45

Duration: 45mins including Q & A

Register here >

In this Webinar, businesses will also get expert insight on:

  • Where is the industry going?
  • The significance of the cloud for businesses
  • How the cloud promises uptime, connectivity and security
  • Success stories of businesses moving to cloud

According to the Information Commissioner Office (ICO), 94 per cent of businesses who adopted the cloud saw an improvement on security. During the WebEx, Xperience Group’s cloud experts will give an overview of the current cloud landscape, exploring the benefits to businesses for security and agility gains. Attendees will also learn why other businesses have adopted the cloud and how this move has improved their business performance.

The lessons learnt from this educational webinar are prone to leave you on cloud 9! Register here >

* Spaces are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment.

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