25 March 2018
We view ERP projects a bit like a marriage. When you get into a business relationship with a software provider, it’s essential that you are both clear on...
25 March 2018
Drones, Housing and Inflation were among the main headlines this May. Read on for the latest highlights and news from the UK construction industry. Drones.....
25 March 2018
Payment delays take over the headlines this month, but it’s not all doom and gloom as UK volumetric market increases and drones are to save the industry...
25 March 2018
Construction Growth, an increase in buying materials and Brexit positivity. They say good things come in threes, don’t they? This month we bring a stack of...
5 March 2018
Is your financial year end coming up soon? Are you dreading the hard job of totalling up your income and expenses? For many businesses this can be a daunting...
19 February 2018
Xperience Group raised over £6700 in aid of their chosen charity of 2017, Alzheimer’s Society, to help people affected by dementia, inspiring change and...
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