27 February 2017
By implementing Act Cloud, CTG is boosting productivity and improving service delivery, whilst introducing an integrated platform for high availability,...
24 February 2017
Wide spread adoption of cloud has led many vendors to shift focus from on-premise solutions to cloud delivery models
15 February 2017
Cloud adoption rates are growing at a rapid pace, but many businesses are still unsure what the Cloud is. Those familiar with the benefits often deliberate...
10 February 2017
Do you find the reports and dashboards available within Dynamics CRM, now known as Dynamics 365, restrictive? Would you prefer more visual reports? Would you...
15 December 2016
After exploring the reasons CRM projects fail, it is clear ‘culture’ is an essential ingredient for CRM success. A customer-centric business culture will...
9 December 2016
Cloud computing has grown in popularity, but as more and more businesses take advantage of the benefits it offers, many are left asking, “Are all cloud...
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